
Consultations are free and required to ensure the best hair extension method for you and your budget. My ultimate goal is to ensure you have the best hair extension journey possible. Please give a 24 hour notice when canceling an appointment.

All extensions come with a basic haircut (no shampoo).

Hair extensions are a great way to add length, fullness or color to your hair, without having to wait the months, or even years, to achieve your desired style. Caroline has years of experience with various methods and hair extension systems. Perhaps your hair is thin and you would like to see it fuller and it doesn't need to be longer; hair extensions are an easy way to thicken your hair. Caroline pays close attention to your hair and your needs and uses different brands depending on your hair since no one brand is the answer for everyone. Once your extensions are in, She is an expert in cutting, styling and maintaining your investment.

Fusion Extensions: Hair is rolled with a keratin glue that I bond directly to your hair. I perfectly match your texture and color to the extension hair. This method has the most natural appearing results and lasts between 3 to 6 months. Pricing starts at $300 and does not include the hair.



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How much services cost
Professional Hair Styling (includes Blow Dry) $65 $40
Blow Dry $35 $35
Hair Color and Highlights
Root Touch Up $65 -
All Over Color Color Gloss begins at $75 -
Partial Highlight begins at $40 -
Full Highlight begins at $45 -
Baylage (free hand painted highlights) begins at $135 -
Color Correction begins at $125 -
Deep Conditioning Treatment $20 -
L’Oreal Fiberceutic Treatment $35 -
Olaplex Reconditioning Treatment $75 -